17 SEPTEMBER 2021 8pm UTC “Life is a performance” by Sandra Bozic (New York, USA) dur 10min

“Life is a performance” by Sandra Bozic (New York, USA)

Every action in life is a performance. Every movement in life is a dance. It is an online performance that shows how the thin line is between things in life or that there is no lines at all. Showing that possibly there is no such a thing as utopia because there is always utopia of an utopia. There is only the situation and all that surround us. It is dedicated to life situations, obstacles and positions, wishes and needs as the answers to them, actions that always are a choreography. In this show action is coming from the site, in the moment in the space.

Sandra Božić is an artist and architect born in Belgrade, Serbia(ex Yugoslavia). She lives in New York City, USA. Her professional work is based on performance art and architectural projects that are inspired by everyday life. She is the author and founder of social media platforms: Online Performance Art(www.onlineperformanceart.com) and Online Museum – Onlineum (www.onlineum.com). She realized over 60 live performances.