A kind of poetic leading and following;
No gabs
The bridge
The crossing
So each one of us gives direction to the other two to move or play sound about the bridge…
Either reading about the bridge or just dropping some words…
Nadja Haas
has danced all her life and has a Diploma in Performing Arts London UK and a Master in Fine Arts. She is a certified Yoga Teacher ( Shanti Madom Ashram Kerala South India) and studied Odissi Indian Dance under Sri Vishnu Tatva Das and Guru Shradha In San Francisco CA. She lives, performs and teaches in Berlin since 2010. Her work is process-oriented and situation-specifically with audio, performance, participative artistic projects and actions, spatial and shifting installations, drawing, painting, objects and costumes. She is co-founder of DasÜberbrücken/Bridging with Megumi Eda in Berlin. Nosotrosenelcuerpo is a weekly duet with Lucas Sofia online.