- watch: 30th March 2020 at 9pm UTC
- duration: 9 min
Un trapo
Andrea Aguía, Philosopher from the University of Los Andes, Master in Plastic and Visual Arts from the National University of Colombia and in Sciences of culture and religions of the University of Rome Studi Roma Tre. She has participated in both marginal and non-marginal art events since 1998 at the Open House Festival, Universidad ASAB, Bogotá with the group of María Teresa Hincapié. Since then she has been part of performance meetings in Varasanta, Map Theater, PerfoArtnet, La Otra from the Valenzuela Gallery and Klenner, ArtBo Bogotá International Art Fair, “Sunday Matinés” of the MAC Museum of Contemporary Art of Bogotá, Performance Festival of the Acto Latino Theater, III Dance Festival in the City, Pereira Art Museum, among others. At an international level, she has participated in “Towards an Art of the Meeting of Performance and Action Art” in Buenos Aires Argentina (2009), in the Hemi GSI Convergence “Public and Private spaces in Urban Interventions” (2013), IV Festival of Performance and Action Foundations in Cochabamba Bolivia (2016), VII International Video Art Festival of Camagüey (2017) in Cuba, Atelier Performance # 14 Studio of Ilka Teurich in Hannover Germany (2018), III Genoa Biennial in Italy (2019). She has exhibited in Ecuador, Hungary, France, Spain, Bolivia, Mexico, United States, Cuba, Japan, Germany, Argentina and Colombia. ARTIST’S WEBSITE
Alma García Gil, achelor of Visual Arts for Photographic Expression from the Universidad de Guadalajara. Workshops: · Introduction to Contemporary Art, by Jorge Edgar Hernández at Museo de la ciudad, Guadalajara, 2009.· Workshop for working and training Artists. Performance and Action Art, by Gustavo Artigas at Instituto Cultural Cabañas, Guadalajara, 2009.· Art Project Laboratory at TRAMA specialized center of art and restoration, Guadalajara, 2009. · Action Art Workshop, by Richard Martel at LARVA, Guadalajara, 2010.· Workshop “Performance art”, by Lala Nomada (Guadalupe Aldrete) at Sala veinte22, Guadalajara, 2013.· Diploma on video editing, CAAV Universidad de Medios Audiovisuales, 2014.· Portfolio review with Bruce LaBruce at Laboratorio de arte Jorge Martínez, Guadalajara, 2014.· Performance Workshop “El arte de la acción”, by Pancho López at Sala veinte22, Guadalajara, 2014.· Tima Machine, open studio 4, Performance Workshop at MAZ, Guadalajara, 2014.· Thinking to stop thinking and acting, taught by Rocío Boliver “La Congelada de Uva” at Museo de la Mujer, Mexico City, 2014. · Dialogue tables, Performance under review 1990 – 2019, Memory and archive from action art, performance and documentation in Mexico. Moderated by Lorena Tabares, Mexico City, 2019 · Portfolio review with Elvira Santamaria in Ciudadela del arte, Zacatecas, 2019. · Body, philosophy and performance, taught by Seiji Shimoda in El Consultorio, Mexico City, 2019. Exhibitions: · Persistencia Reaccional, First Performance Art Festival at CUAAD from UDG, Guadalajara Jalisco. 2009. ·Starting Line, Collective, TRAMA, Guadalajara, 2009. · Internation exhibition of Action Art, Sala veinte22, Guadalajara, 2013. · The Art of Action, 10 approaches to identity, Sala veinte22, Guadalajara, 2014. · International Performance Art Festival: EXTRA FEM, Museo de la mujer, Mexico City, 2014. · UTOPIA International performance exhibition, Casa Viva, Mexico ARTIST’S WEBSITE