Collectif Mixeratum Ergo Sum (Bordeaux, France ): Guru Beauty Hecatomb

  • watch: 24th October 2020 at 11am UTC
  • duration: 10min

Hecatomb is a tribute performance dedicated to all the victims of feminicids. These women were real, they had a name, a family and we\’ll be together to remember them. Last year in France, 149 womend died from domestics violences. They were not just statistics and not just number, their death are unbearable.

BIO: She’d studied arts and crafts before heading towards theater arts and worked for the Opera de Nancy-Lorraine as a set designer and the Théâtre Universitaire de Nancy as a prop woman. She pursued her university work in theater history and produce two extended essais. She move to Bordeaux to learn theater direction and worked for Gilbert Tiberghien as an assistant director. The same year, she create her first directing, a theater adaptation of La Mouette by Tchekhov. In 2012 she found Collectif Mixeratum Ergo Sum, a multidisciplinary group wich the activity is between theater and visual art. She\’s been working with them as an actress, performer, plastic artist and director. She initiated the feminist and engaged performances cycle entitled “Guru Beauty”, the musical play for pool “Piscine Party” and recently the play “J’ai jamais” about memories and forgetting. In 2016 she\’s invited by MC21 to join the “annexe B” group where she stays until 2019. Go from there, she developed her painter work more. In 2016-2017 she works as an director assistant for Henri Devier on his performance/play “An empty Shack” . She showed her exhibition “Seiren” at the Inox and Espace Mably in Bordeaux. In 2019 she started a new work entitled “guerrieres” wich will be exposed at “La cité audacieuse” in Paris from October 23th to November 7th. Right now she\’s working on making gathering texts of the play “J’ai Jamais” that she wrote and skectches she made during the creation of the play. ARTIST’S WEBSITE