Dancing feet (Kisumu, Kenya): Table of Silence

  • 23 Sept 2021 3pm UTC
  • dur 10min

Table of silence is a duet that explores the unspoken conversations we tend to have or not have with our significant other. It brings about the inner thoughts, emotions, argument, debate, doubt and silent insecurities that are evident within our house holds. Even though the male and the female go through different struggles they go though similar emotions and states of mind. Both are in constant debate within themselves and their partners

BIO: I am Brian Otieno Oloo, Dancer ,choreographer and founder of Dancing feet in Kisumu, Kenya. I studied dance in various institutions such as Ecole des sables in Senegal, Youth Accosted with arts in Kenya and Danceteam Africa in Tanzania. Since 2015 and 2019 I was the Co -artistic director at Ibuka dance foundation in Tanzania. February 2021 founded my own Company Dancing feet. I am also currently touring and performing Pina Bauschs Rite of Spring. I draw inspiration from other artists and always aim for growth through working with diverse range of artists.