Isabelle Derigo (Geneva, CH): LOVEmachineINSIDE

  • watch: 19th December 2019 at 9pm UTC
  • duration: 3:30min

Throughout time, the doll has held a symbolic and sacred meaning to become an object of fantasy and an archaetype for both adults and children. Confronting the history and symbolism surrounding the Doll, the Performance Piece LOVEmachineINSIDE denounce the abusive behavior against the feminine gender and gives back to the doll its primeval sacred level, leading the audience to an intimacy, both overriding and disarming. The Doll, in being both consumable and sexual, reveals the superficiality of a restricted relationship. In an erotical night atmosphere, a doll is being manually wind by rotating the crown in her back for 3 minutes of love.

BIO: Born in Geneva, Switzerland, Isabelle is a Performance Artist. She has travelled extensively in the US, Asia and Australia exploring her curiosity and love for the “ancient soul’’ and experimental art. Isabelle’s investigation into the creative process has led her to work with numerous mediums (painting, photography, sculpture and video) that reverberate in her Installation Performance Art. Deepening her research into Presence and Consciousness, she has challenged herself to work with different partners (photographers, musicians, performers) on very intimate projects. From 2008, whilst working on a large œuvre that became her Manifesto, The Yoke, she developped her own genre which incorporates her strong yoga background as an art medium in itself. ARTIST’S WEBSITE