Patrick S. Ford & Nina, Yiu Lai Lei (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam): One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

  • watch: 6th July 2019 at 10am UTC
  • duration: 5min

In this new performance Ford takes on the role of another Sisyphean character attempting to scale a flight of stairs. Unfortunately, and frustratingly for him, with each step he takes towards the summit he must take two further steps away leaving him further back than when he made the initial progress. Sisyphus was not a man to give up easily so this new character persists with the task again and again until finally arriving against his wishes at the bottom of the flight of stairs. Sisyphus was able to enjoy a brief respite from his labours during the short period as the rock rolled back down the hill and he was able to walk down unencumbered by the load, and so our new character takes some time out at the bottom of the stairs to rest and possibly prepare for another attempt.

BIO: Patrick S. Ford is currently living and working in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. His art education began at Leeds Arts University (UK) – receiving a ‘Merit’, at Northumbria University (UK) – receiving a BA (Hons) Fine Art degree, and at RMIT University (Aus.) – receiving an MFA degree. He currently holds the post of Associate Lecturer in the Department of Communication and Design at RMIT University Vietnam (Saigon South Campus). He has exhibited his work in solo and group shows in Europe and Asia beginning in 1981 and since then has participated in over 100 exhibitions and art projects. His work is held in several public collections in Europe and Asia and in numerous private collections. Originally trained as a sculptor, Patrick has also worked as a printmaker and is currently pursuing projects involving the development of an approach to drawing methodology and performance, especially that related to Walking Art. His practice often seeks to take art-making out into the environment to encourage observation, reflection and response, and just as often focuses on the border between disciplines. Some of Patrick’s most recent projects have involved collaboration with other artists, usually internationally, which has encouraged the exploration of alternative working methods through the use of Skype, social media, the employment of specific apps etc. These lines of investigation are feeding directly back into his practice, forming a kind of virtuous circle of working methods. ARTIST’S WEBSITE