OPAF7_Sandra Božić

Sandra Božić (Belgrade, Serbia): Naked
  • duration: 30 min
  • watch: 11th February 2018 at 3 pm UTC

DESCRIPTION: The performance is about naked human being. Basic way. Is human being emotional or thinking kind? I’m afraid where go all of those emotions that one human gets by being born. I’m wondering how is situation today. Where all emotions go, why? And for what? How humans deal with the situation?  

BIO: Sandra Bozic is freelance performance artist and architect born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Her professional work is based on performance art, art projects and architectural projects that are inspired by everyday life and life at all, until very small details of it. With realization of over 30 author performances all over the world. Her performances participated in international exhibitions, conferences and performance art festivals in Hanover, Naples, Berlin, Istanbul, Zagreb, Mostar, Sarajevo, Belgrade. She realized several solo exhibitions. She was a jury member of exhibitions and festivals international and local. ARTIST WEBSITE