OPAF8_Cristina Cortez

Cristina Cortez (Córdoba-Capital, Argentina): Oceans of Childhood
  • duration: 6 min
  • watch: 21st April 2018 at 9 pm UTC

DESCRIPTION: The video I present raises the problem of the forced migration of people, especially children. We set out to build a performance to bring to the viewer the problems of child migration and their experience in the refugee camps of Nigerian, Somali, Afghan, Libyan and Syrian children. With our proposal, what we seek to show are the different policies that go through the migrant body, without losing sight of the particular aesthetic-corporal look of the action that we are interested in capturing.

BIO: Participation in seminars, workshops and artistic days, held in our city.
He has carried out several actions, individual samples and integrated different collective samples at Provincial and National level.
He participated in different national and international competitions, obtaining 2nd engraving prize in the Armando Molina Rosa Hall, organized by the Cultural Guide of Córdoba, and mention in the Salón Rinoceronte de Cristal, Madrid Spain.

• 2015 / 2017- UNC “Specialization Course in Performance Studies”.
• 2014/2015-Workshop “Making and Thinking the Art of Peformance” Directed by Soledad Sánchez Goldar. Documenta Scenic.
• 2012-Workshop Performance Lab 2nd. Edition. Directed by Verónica Meloni.
• 2011/2012-Universidad Católica de Córdoba “Diploma in Cultural Management” -Orientation in Arts Management.
• 2005 -Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities “Postitulation in Visual and Plastic Education”.
• 1998 – Provincial School of Fine Arts, “Dr. Figueroa Alcorta “,” Expert and Professor in Plastic Arts “.