- watch: 30th June2020 at 8am UTC
- duration: 10 min
for Felix
This is an online performance about the human being living in the world. Mirror and other humans are the only ways how humans are able to see themselves in whole as beings in the world. All environment and humans in it are possible to be seen through this. This online performance is showing a person in this world.
This performance is the triburte to a text of a nobel price writer Ivo Andrić:
“Get To Know Yourself.
How to get to know myself? And why? And, what does yourself mean? Who and what is that myself that I need to know?
It has been explaining to me that that are our passions and our weaknesses that we had to struggle against and that we could overcome more easily if we recognized them.
Let me tell you, I didn’t understand anything.
First, I can’t know which of my countless desires and instincts should be considered “passions” and “weaknesses”, and which not. Secondly, in my youth, I wanted only one thing: to realize competelly all my desires and urges as soon as possible, and I did not even think of fighting against them, nor I would know how and could to do that, even if I wanted to.
But I still were hearing all around me, as a warning, as an overly strict request, as a sanctified rule that no one seems to understand propertly, but against which no one has anything against: Get to Know Yourself.”
“Poznaj sebe
Kako da se upoznam? I zašto? I, šta znači sebe? Koji je to »ja« koga treba da upoznam?
Objašnjavali su mi da su u pitanju naše strasti i naše slabosti protiv kojih moramo da se borimo i koje možemo lakše da savladamo ako ih upaznamo.
Pravo da kažem,ništa nisam razumeo.
Prvo, ja nisam mogao da znam koje od mojih bezbrojnih želja i nagona treba da smatram »strastima« i »slabostima«, a koje ne. Drugo, ja sam, u mladosti, želeo samo jedno: da svoje želje i nagone što pre i što potpunije ostvarim, a nisam ni pomišljao da se protiv njih borim, niti bih to umeo ni mogao, sve i kad bih hteo.
Ali sam i dalje svuda oko sebe sretao, kao opomenu, kao preterano strog zahtev, kao osveštano pravilo koje, izgleda, niko tačno ne razume, ali protiv kojeg se niko ne buni: Poznaj sebe.”
BIO: Sandra Bozic is performance artist and architect born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia based in New York, USA. Her professional work is based on performance art, art and architectural projects that are inspired by everyday life and life at all. She is the author and fonder of the platformes Online Performance Art(www.onlineperformanceart.com) and Online Museum, Onlineum (www.onlineum.com). She realize over 20 author online performances and over 20 author live performances. She participated in international exhibitions, conferences and performance art festivals in Hanover, Naples, Berlin, Istanbul, Gothenburg, Zagreb, Mostar, Sarajevo, Belgrade. She realized several solo exhibitions. She was a jury member of exhibitions and festivals international and local. ARTIST’S WEBSITE