Sian Fan (London, UK): Conduit (Online)

  • watch: 30th March 2020 at 5pm UTC
  • duration: 15 min

Conduit is a Live Motion Capture Performance incorporating Realtime technologies with live movement. Using an Xbox Kinect sensor mounted above a lying solo performer, Conduit captures and translates her movements onto a virtual avatar. The virtual body is acts a black mirror to the physical performer, appearing partially submerged in an inky black liquid. As the physical body extends and writhes, the virtual body emerges from the liquid. Conceptually the work explores the co-dependency between humanity and technology, exploiting human movement to power and animate a virtual avatar. This virtual body becomes a conduit for the expelled physical energy, which is assimilated into glitchy and raw digital movements.

BIO: Sian Fan is an interdisciplinary artist working in London. She is currently studying a Fine Art Masters at Central Saint Martins, where she has been awarded the prestigious Mona Hatoum Scholarship. She has exhibited internationally with venues including Tate Modern, British Council, and the ICA, as well as producing work with Channel 4, the BBC and Google. Her work combines movement, the female body and technology to explore disembodiment and human experience in the digital age. Drawing on her background in contemporary and aerial dance she suspends, fragments and augments the body via choreography and digital techniques, as a method of exposing the underlying effects of technology. ARTIST’S WEBSITE