Performance about the need for a balance with forces, magnetically strong. It is showing how something have to be, like a physic force. And can’t be different. Where time doesn’t exists and only one thing rules, powerful and strong inside the body. The strongest, like that that all around, life, makes beautiful, easy and light. It’s a fairy-tale. Strength inside the body that reacts on love. Love makes a man. Love makes a woman. Love, or we are disappearing.
Sandra Bozic is performance artist and architect born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia based in New York, USA. Her professional work is based on performance art, art projects and architectural projects that are inspired by everyday life and life at all. With realization of over 30 author performances her performances participated in international exhibitions, conferences and performance art festivals in Hanover, Naples, Berlin, Istanbul, Gothenburg, Zagreb, Mostar, Sarajevo, Belgrade. She realized several solo exhibitions. She was a jury member of exhibitions and festivals international and local. ARTIST’S WEBSITEEdit