Day 292 Starting date: 23/03/2020 Duration: 1hr/day Status: ongoing Days\’ missed: 0 This one-hour of doing Nothing is an ongoing daily virtual PROTEST. Basic Income increases equality and abolishes poverty; It would play a key role in the redistribution of wealth to achieve social justice! I strongly believe that Shelter (incl. water, elec., gas) / Food / Health care (incl. dental care) / Education are a basic Human Right, and should be provided to every living human being. UNCONDITIONAL UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME is an answer. It is a Right! (To be provided in addition to the free public healthcare and education). As a full-time independent artist-barely legal immigrant in this aggressive NeoLiberal system, I am not eligible, like many other categories and careers to any sort of public help or support if existed. Therefore, I am convinced that an Unconditional Universal Basic Income, is my Right, it is OUR RIGHT! Article 25 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself/herself and of his/her family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services…
My body of work is concerned with questioning and protesting many of the world’s human conflict and human nature, including my own. As an Interdisciplinary artist, I put my body and mind within a particular situation for the viewer to watch and consider or putting the viewer into a physical environment to wander, look and wonder. Time, Repetition and Memories are key indicators of the process and often work as a means for me to understand, explore and observe my practice, in which long duration processes and documentations are strongly present. I work within the political, social, and personal art realm in a way where the viewer has space to think through. My work is not declarative, right or wrong. I am simply laying out a situation for consideration and provocation.