Alice Nathalie Wood & Compagnia Oxymoron (Berlin, Germany): FACE MONK – a face choreography-

  • watch: 30th June 2020 at 4pm UTC
  • duration: 8 min

FACE MONK – a face choreography- “Which direction are you facing? My face faces your face. If you face a particular face, what kind of face will you have? You are facing the face that you were supposed to face. I am faced with difficulty of looking at your face. But I know that eventually your face will start to face my face, finding the pleasure of being face to face. We need to face the fact that our face’s movements are facing weird times. Faces dance behind that mask. Faces are facing the lust of dancing.

BIO: The body as a battleground for a ill society was a milestone of my research. I tend to be autobiographical in my playing, because I want to talk about something I really experienced. But my aim is to find a way that makes my experience resonate to that of the audience. My goal is to stage situations in which me and the audience can share a non daily life situation that is yet authentic and real. The space and the controversy perception of it as place and environment play always a role in what I chose to be the focus of my creation. The need to know where a performance, a play or an installation take place is as important as the story I want to tell. Lately I re-discovered the painting and the potential of drawing related to the actor’s work. The following years will be dedicated to merge this two different disciplines (theatre and painting) with the pursuit of finding ways in which drawing the stage will happen simultaneously with the play. Education: Artistic High School, Turin (Italy) Comics Design Stage, Turin (Italy) Academy of Fine Art, Painting Department, Turin (Italy) MA in Tanzwissenschaft, Freie Universität, Berlin (Germany) Artistic Training: Acting Classes with: “Marcido Marcidorij and Famosa Mimosa” (Acting and Staging), ”Teatrificio” (Acting, Dramaturgy, Direction), “Mime Zentrum Berlin” (Mime Corporel and Meyerhold’s Biomechanic) Dance Classes with: Ricarda Schuh, Isabelle Schad, Rosemary Butcher, Jonathan Burrows. Butō with: Yumiko Yushioka, Imre Thormann, Atsushi Takenouchi, Minako Seki, Yuri Nagaoka. Other Experiences: I grounded and curated with Reyes Perez the B-Lock Project (First edition 2006) organizing Workshop for movement, dance and physical theatre with different international teachers at the BLO Ateliers in Berlin. Since 2011 I am part of Compagnia Oxymoron involved in the formation of actors and in the production of performances. ( ARTIST’S WEBSITE