During the year 2022 I have been working on the theme of sin and guilt in the action art format. I would like to present a performance in which I investigate the topic of sin in the Catholic religion, in which I have been educated, especially related to the topic of sexuality and its possible derivations to homosexuality and other aspects such as considering women as a source of sin, which has been the basis of every patriarchal society. According to mythology, incubi and succubi are demons that appear in dreams to use sleeping humans against their will. Generally these are wet dreams and therefore sinful from the point of view of Catholicism. In this performance, these demons (male and female) are a metaphor for the powerful who manage our lives through methods that we cannot control, often unconsciously for us, as happens with fake news. The fear that, consciously or unconsciously, takes over our mind makes us easy to handle for the organizations and companies that are in power. In it I used elements that refer to the Catholic religion as communion. The bread stained with sin (chocolate) is distributed as a communion, being a performance in which the audience participates.
Analía Beltrán i Janés, Castellón (Spain), is a multimedia artist and since 2001 she focuses her activity on performance art. She has participated in many national and international festivals such as Biennial of Havana 2009 (Cuba); Inf’action Venice 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017; Guangzhou Live 3 (China) 2012; Live Action Gothenburg (Sweden) 2013; Navinki International Performance Festival, Minsk (Belarus) 2013; Biennale Anzio e Nettuno 2015 (Italy); Reihe Neu-Oerlikon, Zürich (Switzerland) 2017; Viglienasei Art Gallery, Siracusa (Italy) 2018; Perfomedia Venice 2019. In 2020, due to the pandemic, she participated through video performance at Warteck festival, Basel, Switzerland and at Miami Performance International Festival\’20 at Faena Forum, Miami Beach and twice at Bbeyond monthy meeting. In 2021 she has participated in “Violencia Zero”, “Dialeg Obert” in Spain and IMAF 2021 Novi Sad, Serbia. In 2022 in Acción Spring, UCM Madrid, Convergence Festival, Live Art Ireland, Bbeyond and Perfomedia Bergamo, Italy. ARTIST’S WEBSITE