opaf10_Alice Masprone

Alice Masprone (Bangkok, Thailand): WINDOW-PAIN#bkk-2018
  • duration: 30 min
  • watch: 7th December 2018 at 10am UTC


DESCRIPTION: This window above the city, looks like the bow of a boat that travels to nowhere. How many stories are being told by that skyline over there? How much pain is hidden in between the urban structure that I see from this window? Who has looked through this glass before me? What was visible? The shadows let the lights draw the city. The window pane will talk to us.It’s the witness of a multitude of stories, is the screen of a multitude of images. An infinite movie is visible through the glass. I watch, I discover, I tell. The action is a dialog in a window, through a window and with the window. One woman is boarded by the glass of a big window, which is the main role of the story and the stage of the action at the same time.

BIO: Masprone Alice, Born:03.08.1976 Turin (Italy). Lives between Thailand, India, Italy and Berlin. With a Background as Painter she started to approach Theatre and Performance seeking for a 3rd dimension through the movement. She usually with cross disciplines like painting, scenography, installation, acting, dancing; often also in collaboration with other artists. She developed soon a deep interest on dance. After have taken Butho and Conteporary dance classes, she attended a M. A. in Dance Studies at FU (Freie Universität) Berlin. She grounded ad curates with Reyes Perez the B-Lock Project (First edition 2006) where they have organized Workshop for movement, dance and physical theatre with different international teachers at the BLO Ateliers (www.blo-ateliers.de). Since 2011 she is part of Compagnia Oxymoron and is involved in teaching physical theatre and in the production of performances. www.compagniaoxymoron.org She writes and directs her own performances. ARTIST’S WEBSITEalice