Sandra Božić (Belgrade, Serbia): Bird ballet 
- duration: 60 min
- watch: 28th March 2019 at 4 pm UTC
to Felix
Only birds can see all.
This online performance is site-specific dance show, happening in very specific moments live online. It is one perspective of the human seeing the everyday scene, the bird ballet.
Duration is approximately 1 hour and it is concept of a show consisted of scenes, on different sites, with pauses in between while getting from one to the next scene.
BIO: Sandra Bozic is freelance performance artist and architect born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Her professional work is based on performance art, art projects and architectural projects that are inspired by everyday life and life at all, until very small details of it. With realization of over 30 author performances all over the world. Her performances participated in international exhibitions, conferences and performance art festivals in Hanover, Naples, Berlin, Istanbul, Gothenburg, Zagreb, Mostar, Sarajevo, Belgrade. She realized several solo exhibitions. She was a jury member of exhibitions and festivals international and local. ARTIST’S WEBSITE