
almalibre.co (Athens, Greece)
Soul mechanisms/ Journey in the sky (duration 28 min)

Watch: 14th May at 10pm UTC

DESCRIPTION: The piece is a reflection on the situation where two entities are in perfect communication even when the physical or real contact is not always enabled. It is a story of a man and a woman who are connected with an extremely strong bound. They share tension and passion in a love-and-hate relationship while both of them suspend in an intangible and dreamy world. The bodies create a physical interpretation of this relationship and the dancers are using their own physical conditions to develop a movement language able to represent this idea.

BIO: Almalibre.co Created by Anastasia Brouzioti in 2011. The pieces that the company has presented so far the company are “Wish” (2012), “A true story “(2013), “Moving Picture” (2014), “Race to grace” (2015), “Soul Mechanisms / Journey in the sky ‘(2016), “Infinity Room Dear” (2017). The pieces “A true story” and “Race to grace” have been awarded by the International Choreography Competition in Madrid in 2013 and 2015 respectively. The company has participated in national and international festivals and in 2016 the piece “Race to grace” had been chosen by the festival organization «Red de Cielo abierto» to tour in Spain. Currently the company is in the process of a new piece, called «Home», for which had been awarded with the first prize in the competition festival “ln Progress Feedback Festival 2017” (Athens, Greece). Artist Website