
schau.Räume_show.Rooms (Villach, Austria): show.Rooms_global// Peru_Austria 
  • Duration: 20 min
  • Watch: 3rd December 2017 at 6pm UTC

DESCRIPTION: show.Rooms is an international interdisciplinary performance format which focuses on marginalized topics with an implicite taboo potential in society and locates this by intervention in empty disused spaces. With people joining in and participating, show.Rooms gives rise to contemporary formal discussion on marginalized topics. It was developed by Katrin Ackerl Konstantin and Rosalia Kopeinig in 2011. show.Rooms follows the idea of spaces/rooms as they reflect relationships within society – they “represent”, “deny existence” or “challenge”, “reverse” or “turn around” (see Foucault). Empty disused spaces are charged with meaning. By means of performative intervention its hetertopian potential is explored. The space unfolds as a platform for activity, where (personal) relations toward a subject, toward a meaning can be reconsidered and redefined. Thereafter the team of show.Rooms scout for locations that, in accordance with the formats’ prerequisites, would constitute of empty rooms or temporarily un-used spaces. show.Rooms_global is a special edition, which is also guided by an international cultural exchange. Taking the model of one show.Room as a point of departure, the show.Rooms_global envisages show.Rooms for each occasion, all to be held outside of Austria but these show.Rooms will come back to Austria to maintain und discuss the same topic at one Austrian town with the exchange partners. show.Rooms_global will be realized between 4.- 9. Dec. in Austria. It will work on the topic of racism. Presenting the work of the Peruvian artist group_ Grupo Darte it will be settled in an empty space in Villach. It will be theatalical intervention with videos, interviews and dance pieces.

BIO: Mag.a (*1970) Katrin Ackerl Konstantin, actress, director, artistic director and cultural scientist. Studies at the Conservatorium for Music and Performing Art Vienna (Diploma 1994) and studies of Psychology at the University of Vienna and the Alpen Adria University, Klagenfurt ( Diploma 2013). The focus of my work is based on interdisciplinary and participative theatre projects that brought me from Austria to Germany, Italy, Czech, Romania, Denmark, Malta, Mexico, Peru and Qatar. Publications and Lectures to Participation, Performance and Performativity since 2011. External Lectureship at the University of Klagenfurt and Vienna. http://www.konstantin.cc ARTIST WEBSITE