OPAF7_Franziska Harnisch

Franziska Harnisch (Berlin, Germany): Komm nicht vom Weg ab (wrong turn, ghost driver)
  • duration: 30 min
  • watch: 11th February 2018 at 8 pm UTC

DESCRIPTION: In my performance I will be a ghost driver on a real street digitally reanimated by Google Street View. I will try to stay on that street as long as I can. The Street View situation I am evoking plus me doing the performance (sitting in front of the screen) are both filmed and screened and can be watched parallel as a live video. The performance shall be repeated instantly after ending it. Fact 1: Google Street View as a ghost driver: – You don´t crash – you just slide through a blurry landscape like stop-and-go. You are a ghost that slides through material like cars or road limits. – You don´t leave cars approaching you behind. They are always there and accompanying you. Fact 2: The real person behind the ghost driver: – You try to move as fast as you can: click – slide – click – slide – You are highly concentrated to stay on the street – one wrong click and you find yourself somewhere in the landscape. – Your eyes, your neck and your hand on the mouse are at some point going to hurt immensively. Fact 3: End of the performance, – if you miss the street. – when the Street View representation of that street you are on is over. Fact 4: Possible defects: – Google Street View does not load / internet connection unsteady – human failure

BIO: Franziska Harnisch (*1986, Berlin) 2017 – 2018 master student of Thomas Rentmeister 2016 Fine Arts (diploma), sculpturing class of Thomas Rentmeister, art college Braunschweig / GER 2015 MA Curating Hildesheim University / GER 2012 Art and History (teaching degree for secondary schools), Greifswald University / GER exhibtions and residencies (choice) 2017 Thank you for sharing, OKK Berlin / GER Wundern ist ein optisches Wort (in regards to The Other Cite), Vitrine01 Berlin / GER (SE) 2016 Menschenzeit / Anthropocene, Group Global 3000, Berlin / GER Kiss and Tell, Vitrine 01 Berlin / GER (SE) Rundgang HBK Braunschweig, 13. – 17. Juli Spontane Oase, Diplomausstellung HBK Braunschweig / GER FAR OFF art fair (represented by KUNSTRAUM 53), Köln / GER REISEN | TRAVELLING, Group Global 3000, Berlin / GER 2015 Brücke im Dschungel, Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Berlin / GER Rundgang HBK Braunschweig, 15. – 19. Juli Kaneelraum, temporäre Galerie (in regards to Tag der Niedersachsen), Hildesheim / GER (SE with Philipp Valenta) Leerstand ist ein starkes Präteritum, in regards to VOlllADEN, KUNSTRAUM 53, Hildesheim / GER (SE) status:pro, 06.01. – 20.01.2015, Kunstverein Hildesheim / GER (residency & GE) 2014 Allianzen&Affairen, KuK Monschau / GER USB-Shuffle-Show (two), Institut für Alles Mögliche/Abteilung für Alles Andere, Berlin / GER 2013 Kunst am Spreeknie – Schöneweide Art Festival, Berlin / GER 2012 O-Ton, mobile Galerie black egg Linz / AUT (SE) 2011 gefundstückt, Atelier Kulturbar Greifswald / GER (SE) R. L. soll man k., Kunstraum wirkstatt Greifswald / GER (SE) Ausdruck 1!, Pommersches Landesmuseum Greifswald / GER 2010 Les Fleurs du Mal, Kunstverein Loitz / GER 2009 Les Fleurs du Mal, Schloss Güstrow / GER. ARTIST WEBSITE