opaf9_Macha Mélanie

Macha Mélanie/ Puls’Art Dance Company (Montpellier, France): D.VOILE 
  • duration: 5 min
  • watch: 14th July 2018 at 2pm UTC

DESCRIPTION: “D.VOILE” Puls’Art Dance Company / choreographer Macha Mélanie

Surrealist performance. Dancing images shot in the surrounding gardens, are projected inside, on an installation of veils that the dancers unroll, curl, hiding or showing eyes, parts of the body … In the present time, the dancers invite the memory of places to dance with them. In reverse, in the place, a superimposed mystical and hypnotic dance which plays highs and lows, what is hidden, shown … unveiled.

BIO: Since its creation in 2004 in Montpellier (France), it is from the eclectism of its artists that the Puls’Art dance company draws its wealth. Multi-disciplinary artists (visual artists, dancers, costum designers, actors, photographers ) work and experiment together for setting up  original collective creations.   The choregrapher of the company is both Dance Instructor graduate of State and Visual Artist graduate from Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels : Macha Melanie sets up many artistic performances (cultural events, contemporary art exhibition openings…), mixing her dancing and visual artist abilities. Through the artistic laboratory of the company Puls’Art, she explores a new hypnotic and  multi-sensorial hybrid art form.  ARTIST WEBSITE macha melanie