PYRAMIDKOFI (Johannesburg, South Africa): This Is My (2022)

  • 8 Apr 2023 4 pm UTC
  • dur 13 min

“This Is My” is a meditative performance for creating boundaries and affirming my body, a meditation lasting 60 minutes. This meditation frames its focus on demystifying the experience of my body. I meditate on: what does it mean to have ownership of this body? How do I know I own it? It is the process of manifesting the hidden nuances of my transgender experience. I connect and fill in the empty spaces of pieces I have lost, change reality, and create clear boundaries.

Amaqhawekazi Emafini Malamlela (She/They) is a Ghanaian-South African transgender Multidisciplinary Artist. I create artwork that challenges the norms of identity, sexuality, and spirituality. Centred on confronting what is “present”. Engage Space-Time through my body and exploration as a form of research. I advocate for underrepresented groups through art and Pyramidkofi. An Art house dedicated to collaborative artmaking