Taneli Törmä – LOCATION X (Copenhagen, Denmark): ZOOM

  • watch: 1st April 2020 at 8pm UTC
  • duration: 27 min

ZOOM ZOOM endeavours to see things that we forget in the bustle of everyday life. Merging dance in an unexpected way with an exquisite lighting and sound design, ZOOM takes a fresh look at life from close up and far away. Taneli Törmä\’s arresting, monochrome solo stops time – to show us life from a different perspective. Choregraphed & Performed by: Taneli Törmä Lighting Design: Petri Tuhkanen Sound Design: Esa M. Mattila -Nominated for Säde – prize, best light design of the year 2014 in Finland and Aerowaves – European dance network has been choose ZOOM solo work for priority list in 2015. -“ZOOM is primarily an experience as a nightmarish vision examination, that sharpens the viewer’s perceptual ability” Review from Tanssi & Teatteri magazine. -“Cooperation with different kind art forms have been exported to the pinnacle of” Review from Helsinki Times magazine. World premiere 8.4.2014, Zodiak – Centre for New Dance in Helsinki, Finland. Funded by DIVA- Danish International Visiting Artist program, Odense Kommunen, Teater Momentum, Danish Arts Foundation – Residency pool, Zodiak-Centre for New Dance in Finland.

BIO: Taneli Törmä – LOCATION X is an award-winning choreographer and performing artist, with international and interdisciplinary experience. As a teacher, performer, fundraiser, idea maker and curator he focuses on developing the performing arts towards a more diverse, intercultural, multi-perspectial and innovative form. Taneli Törmä\’s/LOCATION X\’s works have been shown in more than 20 countries. They have been selected twice for the Aerowaves – Dance Across Europe. Alongside his own work, LOCATION X has also initiated the program DANCE ALL YEAR LONG, a mobile customized dance platform offered for different cities. The goal of LOCATION X is to create new bridges for contemporary dance and to find new audiences and collaboration partners for it – a platform for curating new perspectives and views about dance. Taneli Törmä’s works are often immersive. He is driven by the interest to create situations and experiences, that will carry a specific feeling and movement towards the public – always moved by the question on who is dancing and how and where we can dance today in our everyday lifes? ARTIST’S WEBSITE