Teo Vlad (Berlin, Germany): a) M. (t) I. (a) R. R. (o) O. R. (s) S.

  • 13 Oct 2023 6 pm UTC
  • dur 30 min

As a part of an ongoing durational performance act since 2022, I am currently creating a digital narrative of traces through fragments of performances and life events which all lead to the Transformation process and existence of my real/fictive Character/Archetype. Analyzing the moment of Live Shows, I posed the question how to reveal to the audience in each moment what parts have contributed to the event they are witnessing, hence I started creating a mind map of QRcodes (constantly changing and being added or replaced by others) which all together will in the end summarise a journey of personal and collective Transformation, a series of site specific interventions which have no beginning and no end. Each performance setup has new codes or loses some codes, making each event unique, not to be experienced ever again. At least One code always leads to a digital room in which the performer acts LIVE for 22min, but to find it the audience needs to try out and decide which code to follow next. The instructions of the experience are hidden in the headers and footnotes of a seemingly academic piece of writing disguised as Digital poetry, and the success of the performance experience relies completely on the responsibility of the audience. The performer is present and fulfils the duty of service, yet the act of witnessing it can remain hidden or be seen… it only exists by free will of choice ope those who immerse themselves on this quest.

Teo Vlad, born in Romania, graduating at Edinburgh College of Art (UK), is a freelance dancer/performer, light-, image- and sound designer for theater and film, working with intermedia installations and site-specific performances, leading experimental projects in the field of \’Expanded Performance\’ and audio-visual movement art. Since 2011 he inspires the free Berlin theater scene with innovative projection ideas, visual laboratory events and works as a lighting designer in small and large theaters. In 2017 he discovered Butoh and contemporary dance, which led to a series of performances, workshops and dance films in different European cities. Currently he is doing an intensive research in Contemporary Performance Art, with the aim to mix the previous experience in physical theater, Comedia del Arte, Martial Arts, Film and Dance into a unique form of Solo but Collective expression at the intersection of fiction and reality, of analogue and digital practices. ARTIST’S WEBSITE