The title Dymaxion Homofile is a play on words of Dymaxion Chronofile, architect Buckminster Fuller\’s very large scrapbook which he documented his life every 15 minutes from 1920 to 1983. LET RIP: DYMAXION HOMOFILE is a performance poem about what it was like for me to realise I am gay when I was surrounded by mainstream heteronormative pop culture in 1990s homophobic Britain. The words of the poem will directly reference images within a scrapbook that I kept when I was a teenager in the 1990s for 5+ years – my personal private archive of images that in many ways helped to shape my understanding of (gay) male desire. These scrapbook images form the basis for the moving imagery that as part of the live online Zoom performance. Find out more about the work here: https://leecampbellartist.blogspot.com/p/poetry.html
BIO: Lee Campbell makes experimental films and performance poetry about being gay and working class using barbaric wit and humour’. He trained in Fine Art at the Slade School of Fine Art, University College London in 2005 and received his doctorate in 2016. He has recently performed at LGBT-centred online poetry events including INCITE!, London Queer Writers, POETRYLGBT, and DISTURBANCE, London. His recent films have been selected for many international queer film festivals including QueerBee LGBT Film Festival, The Gilbert Baker Film Festival, Kansas 2020, HOMOGRAPHY, Brussels and STATES OF DESIRE: Tom of Finland in the Queer Imagination, Casa de Duende, Philadelphia, USA and WICKED QUEER 2021 in Boston, USA, one of the oldest and largest LGBT film festivals in the world. Forthcoming performances include Cruising Dystopia curated by Nouvelle Organon, Berlin. ARTIST’S WEBSITE